Collect it Because You Love it

Collections and the very act of acquiring items that we truly enjoy is an important aspect of being human. Collecting is a hobby that stimulates not only our emotions but also our imagination. It gives us a feel good feeling to be surrounded by items that we admire or are fascinated by. The items a child gathers as keepsakes are as personally important to them as are those items acquired by adults. The items that interest us are of personal value to us and it is this desirability that makes an item a collectible. T hese acquisitions are of worth only so long as someone wishes to acquire them. Each and every collection is of importance to the person who has taken the time to acquire it. Dad might own a rare coin collection estimated in the thousands of dollars but it is of no more significance to him than little Tracy’s collection of stickers is to her. To each collector their hobby is of no less value than and should chance decide it their acquisitions could o...